miércoles, 5 de octubre de 2011

TIBCO BW Process Design Guide (2 - 3)

These are some notes I have written in order to help myself to get ready to clear the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks 5 Certification Exam (TB0-123). More details about the exam, click here. This entry is about TIBCO BW Process Design Guide document. Any comment or suggestion, please write to luisagcenteno@gmail.com. Further details can be found at TIBCO Documentation. I hope these notes can help you as well as they did to me...

TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Process Design Guide (Part 2 of 3)

- XPath is an expression language developed by World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) for addressing parts of XML documents. XPath also has basic manipulation for strings, numbers and booleans.
- TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks uses XPath language to specify and process elements of data schema.
- All process data and activity input are represented as an XML schema. Regardless of where the data comes from or its format, TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks represents the data as a schema tree.
- Complex elements are structures that contain other schema elements, either simple elements or other complex elements. Both simple and complex elements can also repeat.
- In order to refer to a particular item in a schema, start with the root node and then use slashes to indicate a path to the desired data element. Relative paths can be used as well
- Namespaces are automatically added to elements that require this when creating mappings on the input tab of an activity or when dragging and dropping data in the XPath formula builder.
- An XPath expression can have a search predicate. The search predicate is used to locate a specific element of a repeating schema item.
- In order to test an element to determine if it is set to nil or not.
- Comments to XPath expressions
$GetOrderInformation/ShipName/Street {--returnsthe street--}
- XPath Formula Builder can be used where XPath expressions are allowed.
Elements in XPath Formula Builder
-Data tab. Contains the Process Data schema tree.
-Functions tab. Displays all available XPath functions.
-Constants tab. Displays all constants available for use in XPath expressions
-Documentation panel. Describes each selected function
-Evaluation Context field. Displays the evaluation context of the expression field that the editor was invoked from.
-XPath Formula field. Displays the XPath formula to create
-Expression evaluates to Panel. Displays the result of evaluating the formula shown in the XPath Formula field.If there are error in the formula, they are displayed there.
- <<>> are called placeholder
- When data must be represented in the input or output of an activity, the data is represented as string.
Numeric datatypes. xs:integer,xs:decimal,xs:float,xs:double
Decimal, float and double numbers are compressed to an integer when represented if there are only zeros following the decimal point (“1.000” is represented as “1”).
Scientific notation is never used to represent a floating point number as string (xs:double(‘1.2345E05’) is represented as 123400).
Data is truncated if the number of digits exceeds the maximum precision for the datatype (xs:float(‘1.23456789’) is represented as 1.2345679.
Both Zero and Negative Zero are represented as 0.
Positive and negative intinity are represented as Infinity and -Infinity.
Not a Number is represented as NaN
xs:boolean(‘true’) and xs:boolean(‘1’) are represented by true as well as XPath function true().
xs:boolean(‘false’) and xs:boolean(‘0’) are represented by false as well as XPath function false()
Date Datatypes. Activities in TIBCO ActiveMatrx BusinessWorks implement dates in one of two ways.
Stored as the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970 (Activities that are associated with Java)
Implemented according to XPath 2.0 or XQuery 1.0 standards as a set of normalized components (xs:date, xs:time, xs:dateTime, and so on) with an optional timezone offset. (Activities associated with XML). Supports arbitrary precision of the seconds component.
Conversion between date representations may result in a loss of information either because of the difference in time zone representation or the precision of the seconds
- XPath formulas to parse and format strings that represent dates and times.

2 comentarios:

  1. I really appreciate sharing lot of information, thanks for it.<a href="http://www.mytechnosoft.com/tibco/transform-xml-to-html-by-xslt.php>TIBCO</a>
